12 MHz proposal

Isaac S. Blonder
8  Adams Way
Shrewsbury, NJ 07702
(732) 450-9972

Submitted to the FCC, September, 1998.

Comments on the matter of Advanced Television Systems and their Impact on the Existing BroadcastService

The US economy will be gravely impacted by the elimination of the current analog service. Although some several billions of dollars may be turned over to the treasury from the auction of vacant TV channels, the cost to the 40 million low income citizens can be measured in the amount of hundreds of billions in obsolete gear plus the obscene cost of the new digital items. Yes, a $5000 TV may come down to $500, with corresponding reductions for other items but the cost of switchover is still staggering.

Our suggestions are still the same as the ones we made in January 1988 (enclosed). Allow the free broadcaster two licenses for the indefinite future in the 12 mhz scheme. The additional frequencies are technically usable in the 12 mhz fashion and the public is blessed with the same old reliable cheap TV and allowed to gravitate to the new marvelous world of digital delivery as his pocketbook will permit.

Adoption of the 12 mhz scheme will also be very kind to the broadcaster. He can now use the existing tower and modernize his studio for digital transmission as the improvement in technology and his finances will permit. Speaking from  my own sad experience with an early UHF station, there is no income from advertisers without a lot of viewers.

                                                                   Isaac S. Blonder

  Copyright  Isaac Blonder
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