hybrid channel 3D hdtv

Isaac S. Blonder
8  Adams Way
Shrewsbury, NJ 07702
(732) 450-9972


My enclosed bio details my career as a manufacturer (Blonder Tongue Labs) and broadcaster. I have been involved in various techniques for delivering 3D TV to the public via television broadcasting since 1953. Beginning in 1989, my experimental license WEXP 27,28 Hoboken, NJ, invited the NYC audience to watch TV in 3D.

As an engineer, I have been privileged to serve on many national and international  committees on the subject of High Definition TV.  At the present state of the art - and probably for another decade - the cost of both HDTV and 3D TV in the home will prevent the profitable operation of the broadcast station solely offering such programming.

On Sept. 3, 1996 I was awarded my 39th patent, no. 5.552.821,  METHOD OF AND SYSTEM FOR STEREOSCOPIC TELEVISION. What my patent will achieve is the ability of the station to offer the general public a standard NTSC signal to watch the program, while simultaneously providing both a 3D TV and a HDTV signal for those viewers who have the funds and the interest to enjoy the lifelike and sharper images.      
     The FCC has the ability to double the number of channels held by the free broadcaster from the UHF surplus. Also, when the age of digital compression is realized, 6 mhz will carry a single NTSC and a HDTV signal with full quality. Cable, of course, can make two channels available immediately.

What is being proposed is that the station clamp together two cameras, one delivering NTSC and the other HDTV. The pair, obviously, is delivering the right and left images needed for 3D. The advertiser will enjoy the usual audience on NTSC receivers and will provide the income needed to sustain the TV station. Some of the audience will have purchased the higher priced (5 times) HDTV receiver, and another segment, probably small, will go one of the many available techniques to view 3D, since they have the right and left images to feed their system.

     In my opinion, there is a potentially large market now for 3D TV broadcasting in sports. Not only is sports a sensational subject for 3D but the cost and quality can be excellent. Any large arena such as a bar can afford to secure projection TVs and equip its customers with very low cost polarized viewers.

     Finally, the invention takes advantage of the human brain's ability to merge images into a single stimulus. HDTV in one eye and NTSC in the other results in the scene appearing to take on the full quality of HDTV!

  Copyright  Isaac Blonder
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